Priming means filling the pump and suction pipe with water. You must evacuate the air from all the suction lines and the pump. It may take several minutes to prime depending on depth to water, pipe size and length. Note: it is easier to prime a pump if you allow all the air to escape from the pump and pipes. The water cannot go in unless the air can escape.
Pumps do not hold prime, the piping system does that job. Jet pumps must be primed on the original start-up. They will re-prime after that as long as the foot-valve or check valve holds and there is no air leak on the suction side of the pump.
The pump should have a minimum cycle time of at least one minute.
The pump is probably air-bound. Drill a 3/16″ hole 2″ above the pump in the discharge line to allow the air to escape.
Discharge piping should be at least as large as the discharge of the pump.
We recommend that the motor must remain covered in water during pumping. We realize this may be difficult when using small basins for confined spaces. Our recommendation is for optimal pump life.